Tuesday, May 13, 2008

MD Cosmedical Solutions Specialties - Non Surgical cosmetic procedures


Ph 1300 885808 OR 1300FACELIFT

MD Cosmedical Solutions specialise in : thermage, non surgical facelift, facelift, skin tightening, tummy tuck, fraxel laser, aptos threads, mesotherapy, lipodissolve, cellulite, cellulite treatment, fat dissolving, liposuction, botox, dysport, botulinum, restylane, fillers, vein treatment, sclerotherapy, varicose veins, laser vein treatment, hair removal, laser hair removal, IPL, intense pulsed light, rosacea, acne, scars, pigment, photorejuvenation, capillaries, breast implants, anti ageing.

Dr Buddy Beaini from MD Cosmedical Solutions specialises in the most advanced non surgical cosmetic medical procedures including thermage non surgical facelifts, mesotherapy lipodissolve cellulite treatment, laser vein removal, laser hair removal, anti ageing, wrinkle treatments with botox and dysport, hyperhidrosis, rosacea, acne, and scars.

vein treatment

VEIN TREATMENT - LASER - face and leg veins



Ph 1300885808

Up until recently, the only treatments available to remove veins were through surgery or painful sclerotherapy injections. These procedures involve lengthy post-operative recovery periods and the wearing of uncomfortable bandages. They also pose a risk of infection, scarring, pigmentation or deep venous thrombosis (DVT).
MD Cosmedical Solutions Clinics utilise the most advanced laser treatment for unwanted veins. This technology is a proven method for removing unwanted facial and leg veins. The laser works by omitting a specialized light, with a specific wavelength, that passes through the skin and is preferentially absorbed by its target, the haemoglobin, within the unwanted blood vessels. The laser energy damages the lining of the blood vessels, causing them to disintegrate and disappear.
1. How effective are the laser vein treatments that you offer?
At our MD Cosmedical Solutions Clinics we have been achieving excellent results with our Double Light laser vein treatments. Our success rate for removing unwanted facial veins is around 95% while we have achieved a greater than 95% success rate in removing unwanted leg veins.
2. How many laser vein treatments will I require?
For most patients, facial veins require between two to three treatments, while leg veins require around three-to-four treatments. The period between each treatment session is normally one month.
3. What side-effects should I expect from this procedure?
Most patients experience a mild sensation which feels like a rubber band snapping when undergoing laser vein therapy. Generally the treatments are comfortable. However, for those who are sensitive, a topical anaesthetic cream may be used to numb the area being treated. No bandages are required and you can immediately return to your normal daily activities.
4. How soon can I see a result?
Because laser vein treatment works by causing the unwanted veins to break up and dissolve, resolution of the vein will take place over the course of several weeks. Most patients will see significant results after the first or second treatment.
5. How safe are the laser vein treatments?
The treatments that we offer at our MD Cosmedical Solutions Clinics are completely safe. The side-effects from the treatments are very mild and uncommon. They may include transient redness or bruising, which resolves within a few days. However, there is no burning, scarring, or risk of infection.

Dr Buddy Beaini
PH 1300885808

Monday, May 12, 2008




Up until now, treatments available for cellulite skin which is unsightly, lumpy and dimpled in appearance have been short-term, highly unsuccessful and expensive. Similarly, treatments for body contouring (e.g. liposuction) have been complicated and associated with unacceptable side-effects.Developed in France during the 1950s by Dr Michael Pistor, Lipodissolve Mesotherapy has since evolved to become the most successful breakthrough for reducing cellulite, body sculpturing and skin rejuvenation. Lipodissolve Mesotherapy is a medical specialization involving the injection of microscopic quantities of natural enzymes, homeopathic agents and vitamins into the mesoderm layer of the skin to deliver corrective treatments to a specific region of the body.

MD Cosmedical Solutions
Dr Buddy Beaini
PH 1300885808




MD Cosmedical Solutions


Ph 1300885808

Hyperhidrosis can be successfully treated in most people with botulinum injections. The most commonly treated areas are the underarms. The palms may also be treated. Botulinum targets the sweating at its source. When injected, the botulinum enters the glands in the area treated. There it blocks the release of a chemical that signals the perspiration. Treating hyperhidrosis with botulinum is a simple procedure which takes fifteen minutes, and has no down-time. The process involves the application of topical anaesthetic cream and then injecting the area with tiny needles. The treatment involves minimal discomfort and is performed by a medical practitioner who specializes in these treatments. Treatments with botulinum for hyperhidrosis last for an average 7.5 to 9 months, depending on the individual. Treatments do not need to be repeated until the excessive perspiration symptoms recur. Botulinum has been used worldwide since 1989 to treat many conditions including cerebral palsy in children, and movement disorders. Botulinum is now used for cosmetic procedures, back spasm, pelvic pain and for certain ophthalmologic conditions. Side affects are uncommon and include the occasional mild transient localized tenderness (lasting one day) and the occasional minor bruise. Treatments are not performed in pregnant or breast feeding ladies.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

face rejuvenation

Thermage NXT
Australias thermage experts with over 1000 treatments performed by Dr Buddy Beaini
Ph 1300FACELIFT or 1300885808

- Frequently asked questions.

Patient Information
The Thermage NXT procedure is the only non-invasive treatment that delivers tighter skin, renewed facial contours and healthier collagen in a single treatment session. (Collagen is the building block that provides structure to your skin.)
The Doctors and Nurses at MD Cosmedical Solutions are your best information resource for determining how this treatment will most benefit you. The more commonly asked questions about this popular procedure are listed below.

What is the Thermage NXT procedure?
The Thermage NXT procedure employs a patented radiofrequency (RF) technology called ThermaCool™. It has been clinically proven to tighten and gently lift skin to smooth out wrinkles and renew facial and body contours. The incision-free procedure is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from normal activities. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be performed on patients of all skin types and skin colours. The ThermaCool device has been cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of facial wrinkles and rhytids. The ThermaCool device is registered in Australia with the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration).

How does it work?
The ThermaCool system uses a sophisticated treatment tip called ThermaTip™, which delivers a controlled amount of RF energy. With each touch to the skin, the ThermaTip device uniformly heats a large and controlled volume of collagen in the deeper layers of the skin and its underlying tissue while simultaneously protecting the outer layer of the skin with cooling. This deep uniform heating action causes deep structures in your skin to immediately tighten. Over time, new and remodelled collagen is produced to further tighten skin, resulting in healthier, smoother skin and a more youthful appearance.

What does the Thermage NXT procedure feel like?
With each touch of the ThermaTip device, you will experience a brief, deep heating sensation as the RF energy is delivered to your skin and deep underlying tissue. This deep heating sensation is your indication that your collagen is reaching effective temperatures for tightening. The doctor or nurse controls the amount of energy delivered to balance procedural comfort with maximum results. The ThermaTip device is cooled before, during, and after heating to fully protect your skin and make the treatment more comfortable. Prior to treatment, your doctor may administer oral analgesia (ie. Nurofen or Panadiene) to enhance your comfort. The need for further pain management is extremely rare.

How long does it take?
The Thermage NXT procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area. Additional time may be required for skin preparation prior to the procedure.

What will my skin feel like after the procedure?
Immediately following a Thermage NXT procedure, your skin should feel tighter, smoother and more youthful. Overtime, you will notice additional tightening.

How many treatments will I need?
Unlike many laser procedures requiring four or more sessions, a single Thermage NXT treatment has produced results in the majority of patients. Your doctor will determine the course of treatment that is right for you.

When will I see results?
Recently published studies conducted by Thermage NXT show that measurable tightening improvements appear gradually over 2 to 6 months after a single treatment session. However, many patients have reported seeing an earlier response.

How long will the effects of the Thermage NXT procedure last?
The Thermage NXT procedure causes immediate tightening of the collagen structure, with additional tightening over time. Unpublished reports by experienced cosmetic doctors indicate that results may last 36 months or longer based on the patient's natural aging process.

Is the Thermage NXT procedure safe?
The Thermage NXT procedure has an excellent safety record. With over 500,000 estimated worldwide patient treatments to date the reported incidence of side effects is less than 0.2%. The most frequently reported incidents are classified as swelling, redness, bumps and blisters on or around the treated area. These side effects have usually disappeared in a few days or weeks. A rare (<0.2%) but longer lasting side effect described as a skin depression has also been reported. Consult with your doctor regarding this and any other questions you may have on the safety record of the Thermage NXT procedure.

How long before I can return to my normal activities?
Most people return to their regular activities immediately following the Thermage NXT procedure. Some people experience mild redness (like a mild sunburn), but it usually disappears quickly. No special care is needed after treatment unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.

What are the benefits of Thermage NXT compared to cosmetic surgery procedures?
q There is no need for any cutting or other invasive procedure
q No need for anaesthetic – cost saving and far greater safety
q Normally no “down time” or recovery period
q Very little discomfort
q Substantial saving compared with a hospital based procedure
q Time saving compared to other multiple treatment optionsSingle treatment compared with multiple laser or other light based treatments

PH 1300885808

thermage sydney

thermage nxt


Australias leaders in thermage and fraxel




Sydney Sheraton Hotel & Wahroonga PH 1300885808

Thank you for your enquiry on Thermage NXT non-surgical facelifts and skin tightening.

Thermage NXT is the latest generation in Thermage technology. Most people require only one treatment. The treatment session depends on the area treated, and varies between one to two hours. There is no downtime with this treatment.

MD Cosmedical Solutions has been awarded as Australia’s leading thermage clinics, having safely and effectively performed over 100 treatments to date.

We currently have a 30 % discount on this treatment, along with a complimentary free consultation and moisturising cream.

We are also including the eye region as a complimentary treatment with full face bookings during the discount period.

If you would like to make an appointment for a treatment, or a free consultation with Dr Buddy Paul Beaini, please phone our clinics on 1300 885 808 or 1300 FACELIFT.

Best wishes,

Dr Buddy Paul Beaini

Mb Bs (Uni. NSW), DCH

MD Cosmedical Solutions


PH 1300885808

- Frequently asked questions.

Patient Information
The Thermage NXT procedure is the only non-invasive treatment that delivers tighter skin, renewed facial contours and healthier collagen in a single treatment session. (Collagen is the building block that provides structure to your skin.)
The Doctors and Nurses at MD Cosmedical Solutions are your best information resource for determining how this treatment will most benefit you. The more commonly asked questions about this popular procedure are listed below.

What is the Thermage NXT procedure?
The Thermage NXT procedure employs a patented radiofrequency (RF) technology called ThermaCool™. It has been clinically proven to tighten and gently lift skin to smooth out wrinkles and renew facial and body contours. The incision-free procedure is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from normal activities. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be performed on patients of all skin types and skin colours. The ThermaCool device has been cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of facial wrinkles and rhytids. The ThermaCool device is registered in Australia with the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration).

How does it work?
The ThermaCool system uses a sophisticated treatment tip called ThermaTip™, which delivers a controlled amount of RF energy. With each touch to the skin, the ThermaTip device uniformly heats a large and controlled volume of collagen in the deeper layers of the skin and its underlying tissue while simultaneously protecting the outer layer of the skin with cooling. This deep uniform heating action causes deep structures in your skin to immediately tighten. Over time, new and remodelled collagen is produced to further tighten skin, resulting in healthier, smoother skin and a more youthful appearance.

What does the Thermage NXT procedure feel like?
With each touch of the ThermaTip device, you will experience a brief, deep heating sensation as the RF energy is delivered to your skin and deep underlying tissue. This deep heating sensation is your indication that your collagen is reaching effective temperatures for tightening. The doctor or nurse controls the amount of energy delivered to balance procedural comfort with maximum results. The ThermaTip device is cooled before, during, and after heating to fully protect your skin and make the treatment more comfortable. Prior to treatment, your doctor may administer oral analgesia (ie. Nurofen or Panadiene) to enhance your comfort. The need for further pain management is extremely rare.

How long does it take?
The Thermage NXT procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area. Additional time may be required for skin preparation prior to the procedure.

What will my skin feel like after the procedure?
Immediately following a Thermage NXT procedure, your skin should feel tighter, smoother and more youthful. Overtime, you will notice additional tightening.

How many treatments will I need?
Unlike many laser procedures requiring four or more sessions, a single Thermage NXT treatment has produced results in the majority of patients. Your doctor will determine the course of treatment that is right for you.

When will I see results?
Recently published studies conducted by Thermage NXT show that measurable tightening improvements appear gradually over 2 to 6 months after a single treatment session. However, many patients have reported seeing an earlier response.

How long will the effects of the Thermage NXT procedure last?
The Thermage NXT procedure causes immediate tightening of the collagen structure, with additional tightening over time. Unpublished reports by experienced cosmetic doctors indicate that results may last 36 months or longer based on the patient's natural aging process.

Is the Thermage NXT procedure safe?
The Thermage NXT procedure has an excellent safety record.



PH 1300FACELIFT or 1300885808

***the thermage specialists***

Thermage NXT - Frequently asked questions.

Patient Information
The Thermage NXT procedure is the only non-invasive treatment that delivers tighter skin, renewed facial contours and healthier collagen in a single treatment session. (Collagen is the building block that provides structure to your skin.)
The Doctors and Nurses at MD Cosmedical Solutions are your best information resource for determining how this treatment will most benefit you. The more commonly asked questions about this popular procedure are listed below.

What is the Thermage NXT procedure?
The Thermage NXT procedure employs a patented radiofrequency (RF) technology called ThermaCool™. It has been clinically proven to tighten and gently lift skin to smooth out wrinkles and renew facial and body contours. The incision-free procedure is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from normal activities. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be performed on patients of all skin types and skin colours. The ThermaCool device has been cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of facial wrinkles and rhytids. The ThermaCool device is registered in Australia with the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration).

How does it work?
The ThermaCool system uses a sophisticated treatment tip called ThermaTip™, which delivers a controlled amount of RF energy. With each touch to the skin, the ThermaTip device uniformly heats a large and controlled volume of collagen in the deeper layers of the skin and its underlying tissue while simultaneously protecting the outer layer of the skin with cooling. This deep uniform heating action causes deep structures in your skin to immediately tighten. Over time, new and remodelled collagen is produced to further tighten skin, resulting in healthier, smoother skin and a more youthful appearance.

What does the Thermage NXT procedure feel like?
With each touch of the ThermaTip device, you will experience a brief, deep heating sensation as the RF energy is delivered to your skin and deep underlying tissue. This deep heating sensation is your indication that your collagen is reaching effective temperatures for tightening. The doctor or nurse controls the amount of energy delivered to balance procedural comfort with maximum results. The ThermaTip device is cooled before, during, and after heating to fully protect your skin and make the treatment more comfortable. Prior to treatment, your doctor may administer oral analgesia (ie. Nurofen or Panadiene) to enhance your comfort. The need for further pain management is extremely rare.

How long does it take?
The Thermage NXT procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area. Additional time may be required for skin preparation prior to the procedure.

What will my skin feel like after the procedure?
Immediately following a Thermage NXT procedure, your skin should feel tighter, smoother and more youthful. Overtime, you will notice additional tightening.

How many treatments will I need?
Unlike many laser procedures requiring four or more sessions, a single Thermage NXT treatment has produced results in the majority of patients. Your doctor will determine the course of treatment that is right for you.

When will I see results?
Recently published studies conducted by Thermage NXT show that measurable tightening improvements appear gradually over 2 to 6 months after a single treatment session. However, many patients have reported seeing an earlier response.

How long will the effects of the Thermage NXT procedure last?
The Thermage NXT procedure causes immediate tightening of the collagen structure, with additional tightening over time. Unpublished reports by experienced cosmetic doctors indicate that results may last 36 months or longer based on the patient's natural aging process.

Is the Thermage NXT procedure safe?
The Thermage NXT procedure has an excellent safety record. With over 500,000 estimated worldwide patient treatments to date the reported incidence of side effects is less than 0.2%. The most frequently reported incidents are classified as swelling, redness, bumps and blisters on or around the treated area. These side effects have usually disappeared in a few days or weeks. A rare (<0.2%) but longer lasting side effect described as a skin depression has also been reported. Consult with your doctor regarding this and any other questions you may have on the safety record of the Thermage NXT procedure.

How long before I can return to my normal activities?
Most people return to their regular activities immediately following the Thermage NXT procedure. Some people experience mild redness (like a mild sunburn), but it usually disappears quickly. No special care is needed after treatment unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.

What are the benefits of Thermage NXT compared to cosmetic surgery procedures?
q There is no need for any cutting or other invasive procedure
q No need for anaesthetic – cost saving and far greater safety
q Normally no “down time” or recovery period
q Very little discomfort
q Substantial saving compared with a hospital based procedure
q Time saving compared to other multiple treatment optionsSingle treatment compared with multiple laser or other light based treatments


Thermage NXT

PH 1300FACELIFT or 1300885808
***the thermage specialists***

Frequently asked questions.

The Thermage NXT procedure is the only non-invasive treatment that delivers tighter skin, renewed facial contours and healthier collagen in a single treatment session (collagen is the building block that provides structure to your skin).
The Doctors and Nurses at MD Cosmedical Solutions are your best information resource for determining how this treatment will most benefit you. The more commonly asked questions about this popular procedure are listed below.

What is the Thermage NXT procedure?
The Thermage NXT procedure employs a patented radiofrequency (RF) technology called ThermaCool™. It has been clinically proven to tighten and gently lift skin to smooth out wrinkles and renew facial and body contours. The incision-free procedure is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from normal activities. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be performed on patients of all skin types and skin colours. The ThermaCool device has been cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of facial wrinkles and rhytids. The ThermaCool device is registered in Australia with the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration).

How does it work?
The ThermaCool system uses a sophisticated treatment tip called ThermaTip™, which delivers a controlled amount of RF energy. With each touch to the skin, the ThermaTip device uniformly heats a large and controlled volume of collagen in the deeper layers of the skin and its underlying tissue while simultaneously protecting the outer layer of the skin with cooling. This deep uniform heating action causes deep structures in your skin to immediately tighten. Over time, new and remodelled collagen is produced to further tighten skin, resulting in healthier, smoother skin and a more youthful appearance.

What does the Thermage NXT procedure feel like?
With each touch of the ThermaTip device, you will experience a brief, deep heating sensation as the RF energy is delivered to your skin and deep underlying tissue. This deep heating sensation is your indication that your collagen is reaching effective temperatures for tightening. The doctor or nurse controls the amount of energy delivered to balance procedural comfort with maximum results. The ThermaTip device is cooled before, during, and after heating to fully protect your skin and make the treatment more comfortable. Prior to treatment, your doctor may administer oral analgesia (ie. Nurofen or Panadiene) to enhance your comfort. The need for further pain management is extremely rare.

How long does it take?
The Thermage NXT procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area. Additional time may be required for skin preparation prior to the procedure.

What will my skin feel like after the procedure?
Immediately following a Thermage NXT procedure, your skin should feel tighter, smoother and more youthful. Overtime, you will notice additional tightening.

How many treatments will I need?
Unlike many laser procedures requiring four or more sessions, a single Thermage NXT treatment has produced results in the majority of patients. Your doctor will determine the course of treatment that is right for you.

When will I see results?
Recently published studies conducted by Thermage NXT show that measurable tightening improvements appear gradually over 2 to 6 months after a single treatment session. However, many patients have reported seeing an earlier response.

How long will the effects of the Thermage NXT procedure last?
The Thermage NXT procedure causes immediate tightening of the collagen structure, with additional tightening over time. Unpublished reports by experienced cosmetic doctors indicate that results may last 36 to 48 months or longer based on the patient's natural aging process.

Is the Thermage NXT procedure safe?
The Thermage NXT procedure has an excellent safety record. With over 500,000 estimated worldwide patient treatments to date the reported incidence of side effects is less than 0.2%. How long before I can return to my normal activities?
Most people return to their regular activities immediately following the Thermage NXT procedure. Some people experience mild redness (like a mild sunburn), but it usually disappears quickly. No special care is needed after treatment unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.

What are the benefits of Thermage NXT compared to cosmetic surgery procedures?
q There is no need for any cutting or other invasive procedure
q No need for anaesthetic – cost saving and far greater safety
q Normally no “down time” or recovery period
q Very little discomfort
q Substantial saving compared with a hospital based procedure
q Time saving compared to other multiple treatment options
q Single treatment compared with multiple laser or other light based treatments